Description |
Explanation |
History |
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Department of Physics established in 1994 with undergraduate and graduate programmes. Our department members are involved in several research areas: Astrophysics, Atomic and molecular physics, General physics, Mathematical physics, Nuclear physics, Solid state physics and High energy physics. |
Qualification Awarded |
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The Bachelor's Degree in Physics (BSc) is awarded to the graduates who have successfully completed all required and elective courses in the curriculum with a title conferred "Physicist". |
Level of Qualification (Short Cycle , First Cycle , Second Cycle, Third Cycle) |
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This is a first cycle (Bachelor’s Degree) program. |
Specific Admission Requirements |
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Admission of national students to the PHYSICS programme is contingent on success on the nationally centralised Student Selection Examination (YGS and LYS) conducted by the Student Selection and Placement Centre (OSYM). For further information please visit General Admission Requirements and Registration Procedures in the menu items of the Information on the Institution and the Examination, Selection & Placement Centre (OSYM). Admission of foreign students is possible through an evaluation of students’ individual application to the university. For further and detailed information please visit General Admission Requirements and Registration Procedures in the menu items of the Information on the Institution. |
Specific Arrangements For Recognition Of Prior Learning (Formal, Non-Formal and Informal) |
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The students who have taken an educational degree in another institution can be accepted to our associate or bachelor programme by using The Council of Higher Education’s (YÖK) undergraduate transfer policy and continue their education in our department. |
Qualification Requirements and Regulations |
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The students who have completed all courses successfully (for a total of 240 ECTS), achieve a GPA (Grade Point Average) of at least 2.00 out of 4.00 and have a passing score from their internship are awarded with Bachelor Science in Physics. |
Profile of The Programme |
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Undergraduate (Bachelor's Degree) programme in Physics ("First Cycle" in QF-EHEA and "6th level" in TYYÇ-NQF-HETR) is an academically-oriented programme giving access to degree and non-degree research program and professional practice demanding high levels of knowledge and skills. The classification of the program with respect to "ISCED (The International Standard Classification of Education) 2011" and "NQF-HETR (The Turkish Qualifications Framework for HE)" and the codes of the fields of education can be listed as follows: |
Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples |
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Our graduate can work as a scientific researcher, a research chemist in research and development, a chemist in analysis and quality control laboratories or can have a teaching job in case he/she additionally owns teaching certificate. |
Access to Further Studies |
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The students who graduated with a bachelor’s degree succesfully can enroll our graduate programme if they perform The Graduate Education and Teaching Regulations of The Council of Higher Education (YOK) conditions. |
Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading |
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For each course taken at COMU, the student is given one of the letter grades below by the instructor as the semester course grade. Each letter grade has also its as ECTS grade equivalent. The table below provides the detailed information about the COMU letter grades, ECTS grades and grade points and percentage equivalents. Scores 100 scale COMU Grades Credits 4.00 scale ECTS Grades 90-100 AA 4.00 A 85-89 BA 3.50 B 80-84 BB 3.00 B 70-79 CB 2.50 C 60-69 CC 2.00 C 55-59 DC 1.50 D 50-54 DD 1.00 E 40-49 FD 0.50 F 0-39 FF 0-00 FX YE: Satisfactory (S) YS: Unsatisfactory(U) DS: Fail -NA (Minimum attendance requirement not fulfilled) Successful Grades: AA, BA, BB, CB, CC, DC, DD, YE Unsuccessful Grades: FD, FF, YS, DS In order for a student to graduate from the program s/he follows, s/he has to pass all the courses, succeed in all the compulsory internship trainings if there are any and attain sufficient grade in non-credit courses. These students are accepted as SUCCESSFUL students. The GPA of a student is his/her graduation grade point average at the same time. |
Graduation Requirements |
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In order to graduate from our department’s undergraduate programme, the students are required to take some courses and completed them successfully. Our undergraduate programme covers the following conditions: A core programme including required courses have at least 170 ECTS credits. Elective field courses including advanced physics subjects have 7 or 12 ECTS credits each. The other elective courses which have 6 ECTS credits each. Totally 240 ECTS credits must be taken in 8 semester (30 ECTS credits in each one). |
Mode of Study (Full-Time, Part-Time, E-Learning ) |
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This programme is a full time programme. |
Address, Programme Director or Equivalent |
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Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Terzioğlu Campus, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, ÇANAKKALE 17100 Head Of Department: Prof. Dr. Vildan BİLGİN E-Mail: Tel : 0286 218 00 18 / 22212 |
Facilities |
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Undergraduate and graduate level studies can use laboratories below: Mechanical Lab. Electricity and magnetism Lab. Electronics Optic Lab Modern Physics Lab for educational and Ulupınar Observatory (ÇOMU-UPO) were established in 2001 Solid state physics Lab. Optoelectronics Lab for researches. |